IOHK to change Pool Saturation Level
IOHK are changing the saturation level from 210m to 64m on the 6th of December, after this date if BIRD pool exceeds a stake of 64m then your rewards will be impacted.
In response we are launching our second pool, the "Adaverse Pool" with ticker VS1 with the same low fees, pledge and deployed on the same rock solid infrastructure.
Since VS1 has just been created there are no performance metrics (and therefore no rank) but you can expect the same high rewards that made BIRD one of the most profitable pools in the ecosystem.
If stake for BIRD is greater than 64 million then we recommend delegates to migrate to VS1 to maintain your high rewards, If you are a whale please contact us, we may be able to find a custom solution for you.
If I don't migrate how will my rewards be impacted?
With BIRD being the one of the most profitable pool in the ecosystem, as seen in Daedalus, our stake has exploded from 25m to 104m in just 2 epochs. With the current rate of growth we are on course to exceed 200m stake before the saturation level is changed.
With a stake of 200m and a new saturation level to 64m we can see a reduction in rewards by as much as 70% after the 6th of December.
This is why we are reaching out to you now, we need to try and get BIRD down to below 64m before the 6th of December, by migrating to VS1 your rewards will not be impacted by the upcoming saturation change.
You can read more about the upcoming saturation change on the IOHK blog.
We hope to see you at the our new VS1 pool soon.
Thanks for delegating with us,